The Backslide Blog
Life After Religion
In the fundamental evangelical Christianity that I grew up with, “backsliding” was the term used when someone let their faith slip, typically going back to old, “sinful” habits unbecoming of a believer. Righteousness was presented as a slippery slope, a climb ever upward toward perfection that you were in constant danger of slipping and sliding down backward if you ever “gave into temptation.”
When I was questioning my faith, I felt guilt and shame that I was backsliding and feared admitting it to friends and family, worried about being labeled a “backslider.” Even after I decided to let go of my religion, which up to that point had been my entire life, I feared losing the only community I had ever known. As I started to become more comfortable and secure in my newfound freedom from the strict control of fundamental evangelicalism, I decided to take the label of “backslider” and wear it with honor. I backslid right out of my religion, and you are not alone if you choose to do the same.
Nicholas Friesen
The Backslider
The first 28 years of Nicholas’ life were spent under the authority and teaching of fundamentalist evangelical institutions, in private Christian school K-12th grade and in churches 1-2 days a week. He came of age while volunteering on praise and worship teams, and spent his first decade of adulthood in faithful pursuit of employment in full-time ministry as a worship pastor while serving as an unpaid worship leader.
He now revels in the stereotype that worship leaders are the most theologically unsound in the cadre of modern ministerial roles; quick to jest that surely this is what lead to the abandonment of his faith. In reality, his loss of faith was a multi-faceted experience with both many causes and effects on his life. Now outside of the church, he can be found writing about his thoughts and experiences, lurking on Twitter, playing with his kids, attempting to create new music that doesn’t sound like CCM, and playing Xbox to unwind.
“sarcasm, wit, and just a dash of soul-crushing sorrow”
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